Walk & Talk
Dr. med. Alexander Brümmerhoff
Berlin & Potsdam
as well as online worldwide
Therapy- Coaching – Supervision
…while walking
“The secret of moving forward
is to take the first step”
— Mark Twain
In my Walk&Talk setting
you are well protected
- we walk on wide paths with enough distance
- my “outdoor office” is well ventilated
Welcome to my website,
I am glad that you have found me.
Do you know this?
Sometimes you seem to be stuck in life – professionally, privately or emotionally and need support to deal with difficult feelings, thoughts life circumstances or decision-making issues. You ponder, ask friends or colleagues, and yet sometimes you just can’t get away from the from the spot.
This is exactly the right time to get well-founded professional support.
As an experienced psychotherapist psychotherapist, doctor and coach, I offer you exactly this kind of support.
However, in an unusual setting.
Out in the open nature while walking.
With Walk &Talk you literally literally set out with me to find new solutions. Solutions and changes that are in harmony with what is really meaningful to you, give you inner strength, and a feeling of satisfaction.
Alexander Brümmerhoff, MD
The trailer is also available on YouTube
A foundation I would like to support
I donate 5 Euros of my Walk & Talk hourly fee to the Neven Subotic Foundation. More about it here.
In my blog I will report about this foundation and their ongoing projects.